The Paul Kemp World Government Kit

Paul Kemp, President, Canadian Soviet Action Party
*Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled ” Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force “, includes the sentence: ” Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor “.
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Promoting World Government
The Urantia Book — Part IV.
The Life And Teachings Of Jesus
PAPER 134:
Section 6. Law, Liberty, And Sovereignty
134:6.3 There shall be wars and rumors of wars — nation will rise against nation — just as long as the world’s political sovereignty is divided up and unjustly held by a group of nation-states.
England, Scotland, and Wales were always fighting each other until they gave up their respective sovereignties, reposing them in the United Kingdom.
134:6.4 Another world war will teach the so-called sovereign nations to form some sort of federation, thus creating the machinery for preventing small wars, wars between the lesser nations.
But global wars will go on until the government of mankind is created. Global sovereignty will prevent global wars — nothing else can.
134:6.7 War is not man’s great and terrible disease; war is a symptom, a result. The real disease is the virus of national sovereignty.
134:6.8 Urantia nations have not possessed real sovereignty; they never have had a sovereignty which could protect them from the ravages and devastations of world wars.
In the creation of the global government of mankind, the nations are not giving up sovereignty so much as they are actually creating a real, bona fide, and lasting world sovereignty which will henceforth be fully able to protect them from all war.
Local affairs will be handled by local governments; national affairs, by national governments; international affairs will be administered by global government.
134:6.9 World peace cannot be maintained by treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, alliances, balances of power, or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. World law must come into being and must be enforced by world government — the sovereignty of all mankind.
134:6.10 The individual will enjoy far more liberty under world government. Today, the citizens of the great powers are taxed, regulated, and controlled almost oppressively, and much of this present interference with individual liberties will vanish when the national governments are willing to trustee their sovereignty as regards international affairs into the hands of global government.
134:6.11 Under global government the national groups will be afforded a real opportunity to realize and enjoy the personal liberties of genuine democracy. The fallacy of self-determination will be ended.
With global regulation of money and trade will come the new era of world-wide peace. Soon may a global language evolve, and there will be at least some hope of sometime having a global religion — or religions with a global viewpoint.
134:6.12 Collective security will never afford peace until the collectivity includes all mankind.
134:6.13 The political sovereignty of representative mankind government will bring lasting peace on earth, and the spiritual brotherhood of man will forever insure good will among all men. And there is no other way whereby peace on earth and good will among men can be realized.