Exclusive: Paul Kemp’s Resume on File With the Canadian Soviet Action Party
Paul Kemp
Scotsburn, Nova Scotia B0K 1R0
Home (902) 925-2788

Paul Kemp, President, Canadian Soviet Action Party
A position in a government party interested in establishing a representative government of the people, by the people, and for the people that seeks an ambitious and career conscious person where acquired skills and education will be utilized toward continued growth and advancement for the greatest number of people over the longest period of time.
A high-energy, enthusiastic and dependable individual who excels in challenging and socially interactive environments.
Microsoft XP Technical Engineer 2004 – Certified Microsoft XP Technical Support Engineer.
Nova Scotia Institute of Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Certificate, Electrical Construction Inter-Provincial Level, 1975
Nova Scotia Institute of Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Certificate, Motor Control Course, 1975 Earned an above average grade.
Nova Scotia Institute of Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Certificate, Residential House Construction, 1971
1. Internet Development – Web Design & Global Coordination of this new Global Educational Opportunity (Volunteer Work) 2000 – current
Worked with associates throughout the world to bring the Internet to a more organized medium for the development of new information systems and platforms for the evolution of morals, ethics and culture necessary for the reorganization and renaissance of the social, economic and political platforms of the world. Interest are in the fields of Science, Philosophy, Psychology, and especially in the field of Religious Studies as it pertains to religion being exclusively a personal experience. The first age of man was devoted to survival, this current age to the acquirement of a standard of living, the next age will devote itself to the quality of thought.
Comstock Canada Ltd., Trenton, Nova Scotia
Project Coordinator, 1999 – 1999
On-Site Job Coordinator responsible for the Electrical Installation of a new 500 Volt Electrical Room and associated PLC, MCC’s and DAS, power, control and monitoring systems for a new
150 million-watt coal burning power generation station.
Northumberland, Granton, Pictou County
Commissioning Team, 1999 – 1999
Installation and Commissioning of automated manufacturing equipment.
Ainsworth Inc., Dartmouth
On Site Office Administration. Duties included the Management of the necessary paper flow for a two million dollar job. Responsible for the Weekly and Monthly Progress Reporting and Invoicing for the Ainsworth design build Sable Offshore Living Quarter Modules for the Venture and Thebaud Jack Up Platforms. Utilized Computer Spreadsheet and Data Base Programs to analyze and predict outcomes of statistical models for Canadian Content, Weights, Manpower Loading, Status Reports and S Curves.
Northumberland Electric Limited, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Managed the installation of miscellaneous Control Equipment and new Sub-Feeders and Cable Tray for a new line of Manufacturing Equipment at Michelin’s Bridgewater Plant. Negotiated with the client’s Engineer to estimate additional work.
Process Facilities Inc. , Los Angeles, California
On Site Contract Management for the complete modernization of Lonza’s Process Facility. Completed the Contract Management for both the Electrical and Instrumentation Contracts. Extremely analytical and inventive. Working with the design team in Boston to consistently came up with unique solutions to for integration of existing design to the newer PLC Programmable Logic Control technology being installed in the modernization of the plant.
Process Facilities Inc. , Edmonton, Alberta
Prepared the Electrical and Instrumentation Contracts for the Bid Process. Wrote the Scope of Work, compiled and qualified the potential bidders. Tendered the contract and assisted in the clarification of work included and the contractor selection process. Brought the contractor on site and began the contract work.
Northumberland Electric, Halifax, Nova Scotia
SUPERVISOR, 1996 – 1997
Installation of Robotics. Supervised the Modification of a Programmable Logic Control Panel and associated equipment. Supervised the installation of Electrical and Instrumentation equipment for a Hydraulic Robot Material Handling Arm. Participated in the Commissioning and Debugging of the equipment.
Northumberland Electric, Truro, Nova Scotia
Responsible for the new computer network renovation of a Nova Scotia Power Office. Demonstrated record of high performance standards including attention to schedules, deadlines, budgets and quality of work.
The Nova Scotia Museum, Stellarton, Nova Scotia
Special Effects Technician. Crafted created and designed special effects and lighting for new exhibits and displays.
Nova Scotia Housing Commission, Pictou, Nova Scotia
Extremely analytical and inventive. Consistently came up with unique solutions to preventative maintenance problems. Supervised and Scheduled work in progress.
Jones Power Company Limited / J. A. Jones, Point Aconi, Nova Scotia
New Construction, 150 Mega Watt Power Generation Station. Duties included complete Electrical and Instrumentation Inspections and Quality Control of all phases of work being preformed. Duties also included Electrical and Instrumentation Contract Management of major projects. Responsible for overall quality of workmanship for all Electrical Projects. Database Entry, Generation of Deficiency Reports and tracking completion of work to owners specifications. Office Duties included Cable Management, Red Line Drawing Management, Processing RFI and NCR Field Reports and Managing extensive spreadsheets and database programs. Utilized programs to analyze and predict outcomes of statistical models. Recognized for powerful communications skills, handle high-pressure situations in a professional and effective manner and use strong computer skills in daily activities.
Nova Scotia Power Company Limited, Trenton, Nova Scotia
New Construction, 150 Mega Watt Power Generation Station. Duties included complete Electrical and Instrumentation Inspections and Quality Control of all phases of work being performed. Planned, prioritized and assigned projects administered by the Product Management team. Responsible for the Generation of Deficiency Reports and tracking completion of work to owners specifications. Office Duties included Cable Management, Red Line Drawing Management, Processing RFI and NCR Field Reports and Managing extensive spreadsheets and database programs.
Michelin Tires C3, Watervale, Nova Scotia
Project Electrical & Instrumentation Foreman, 1989 – 1990
Fabrication of Programmable Logic Control Panels and Main Drive Units for a main line of manufacturing equipment used to make the steel belt for tires. Duties included the complete Panel Fabrication from blueprints, Machine electrical and instrumentation fabrication from blueprints. Duties also included Commissioning and Debugging of the equipment upon completion.
Longard Electric, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Residential and Commercial wiring and service calls. In supervisors absence functioned as supervisor. Expedited communication between upper-level management and general personnel. Earned a reputation as a valuable and cooperative co-worker by being fair, honest, and willing to help others when needed; effectively resolving conflicts at appropriate times; and assisting new managers and other staff to become familiar with policy and operations.
Leah Electric, Halifax, Nova Scotia
OWNER, MANAGER, 1984 – 1986
Having demonstrated sound business judgements, decisiveness, and well-developed planning, analytical, and communication skills at a consistently high level of performance in a variety of progressively responsible and challenging assignments I established an Electrical Contracting Business. Selected and engaged employee; supervised and directed activities of up to twelve employees. in installation of electrical equipment, services, intercom and fire alarm systems in single family dwellings, apartments, condominiums, and commercial work. Drafted complete set of electrical drawings for two forty eight unit apartment buildings; demonstrated extensive knowledge of electrical construction codes and standards. Negotiated with general contractor, suppliers, and liaised closely with municipal inspector: prepared and maintained book keeping payroll, and record systems prior to the engagement of accountant.
Brooking Electric Limited, Pickering, Ontario
Project Superintendent for the electrical installations of a large Ford Dealership. Skilled at organizing complex projects, defining project priorities, and delegating tasks, worked to appropriate standards from blueprints. Being a resourceful, professional and highly dependable individual with a diversified portfolio of skills and abilities relating to the electrical trade, completed the job on time and under budget.
Federal Charter Non-Profit Organization, Ottawa, Ontario
Full time volunteer for a federally chartered non-profit educational cultural facility. Property Manager for existing campuses in Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Project Manager for the construction of various new service and residential facilities. Capable of communicating with volunteer staff in all departments and at all levels. Ability and patience to train and develop office staff and to provide employees with the tools they require to reach expectations and achieve objectives. Established and conducted seminars in Canada and United States, using excellent written and oral communication skills.
Magna Electric and Computer Company Limited, Halifax, Nova Scotia
SUPERVISOR, 1971 – 1976
Engaged as Apprentice Electrician, and progressed to Positions of Journeyman Electrician and Supervisor. Functioned as Project Foreman, supervised, scheduled and directed the activities of Journeyman and apprentices; interfaced effectively with other trades to enhance cost effectiveness. Utilized organizational and planning skills to reduce labour costs, resulting in a 100% increase in projected profits on my first job as Foreman. Performed effectively in major and minor electrical construction projects. Projects included Apartment Buildings, Oil Rigs, Hospitals, Institutional Buildings and Commercial Buildings with extensive heavy duty electrical systems. Developed and refined technical and interactive skills. Excelled in control work and troubleshooting complex installations with high technical standards.
Halifax Shipyards, Halifax, Nova Scotia
ELECTRICIAN, 1972 – 1972
Worked on the installation of the Electrical and Instrumentation Systems of a Semi Submersible Oil Rig being built by the Halifax Shipyards.
Volunteer Work, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
Teaching adult computer software classes a Salt Springs School in Pictou County Nova Scotia. Subjects were Windows 3.1, Word Processor Basics, Data Base Basics, and Graphic Program Basics, Dos 6.1, Hard Disk Management, File Management and Software Installation. Taught and advanced computer course to the grade six classes at Salt Springs Elementary School. Utilized knowledge of computer multi-media technology to develop a multi media presentation aimed at the enhancement of student awareness of the creative capacities of their home computers.
Volunteer Work, Canada and the United States
Classroom Teacher, Lecturer, TV and Radio Presentations 1971 – 2004
Involved in teaching Personality Development Courses to develop contact and consciousness of the inner creative potentials. Few people ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of worlds impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.
These courses were aimed at the discovery and activation of mans true inner creative potential to assist in the development of a wholistic ideal life and to assist them in choosing a model career. Through true inner awareness and a better understanding of meanings, (the adaptability of life) and values (the progressability of life). Resulting in the enoblement of character through experience-growth. Understanding of the true creative nature and diverse individuality of the real potentials inherent and preeminent in the human personality.
Microsoft XP Technical Engineer 2004
Certified Microsoft XP Technical Support Engineer.
Nova Scotia Institute of Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Certificate, Electrical Construction Inter-Provincial Level, 1975
Excelled in Control Work, achieved an Inter-Provincial Trade Certification allowing me to work in every Province in Canada Earned above average grades while working part-time and participating in campus activities.
Nova Scotia Institute of Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Certificate, Motor Control Course, 1975
Earned an above average grade. Assisted in classes by helping other students with their Motor Control Projects.
Nova Scotia Institute of Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Certificate, Residential House Construction, 1971
After completing course built several homes from footing’s up. Demonstrated learning ability by professionally completing the associated Skilled Trades of Plumbing, Rough Carpentry, Finish Carpentry, Drywalling, and Concrete Forming and Finishing work.
Saint Patrick High School, Halifax, Nova Scotia
H.S. Diploma, 1970
Throughout an academic career, demonstrated superior achievement and developed strong quantitative and analytical skills.
Ongoing Personal Studies 1971 to 2004
Study of Man and God – Ideal life and model careers – Planetary Origin – History – Destiny. Extensive studies in Metaphysical Thought – Science – Philosophy – Psychology – Religions of man, past present and future.
Ash Chugh, P. Eng,, 117 Lincoln Cross Cres., Halifax, Nova Scotia, Ph (902) 445-5441
Frank R. Codispoti, P. Eng., Project Manager, J. A. Jones Construction Company, 1 South Executive Park, 6060 J. A. Jones Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 28287, Ph (704) 553-3428
Jerry Bell, Civil Eng., Director of Business Development, Nova Scotia Power Inc. P. O. Box 910, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2W5 (902) 428-6515
Cell (902) 435-2641
Stan Karewicz, P. Eng., Engineering Department, Michelin Tires(Canada) Ltd., Waterville Plant, Nova Scotia, Ph (902) 538-8021
Available upon request
Quote: The survival of democracy is dependent on successful representative government; and that is conditioned upon the practice of electing to public offices only those individuals who are technically trained, intellectually competent, socially loyal, and morally fit. Only by such provisions can government of the people, by the people, and for the people be preserved.