Alex Jones Wants You to Join the Canadian Soviet Action Party

Alex Jones wants you to join the Canadian Soviet Action Party
Alex Jones himself has been outed as being secretly a member of a globalist religion seeking world government. But not the Urantia religion.
Jones: “And, just to let you know who Connie Fogal is. She’s a great lady. As a former leader of the Canadian (Soviet) Action Party, a lawyer and former teacher, Fogal lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, where her late husband, Harry Rankin,1 was a long-time progressive city councillor. She’s an anti-globalization activist2, was an opponent of the multi-trilateral agreement on investment for the North American Free Trade Agreement. She has also been active with the Canadian Liberty Committee.”
CAP’08 Exclusive Connie Fogal Interview Alex Jones-Dec 10 2008 1of2
CAP’08 Exclusive Connie Fogal Interview Alex Jones-Dec 10 2008 2of2
1. Harry Rankin was barred from entry to Alex Jones’s United States of America, as a radical communist. Connie Fogal, a well known Vancouver communist, beloved of the Marxist-Leninists and featured in their newsletter, ran Vancouver’s only communist municipal party, the COPE, together with Harry Rankin.
2. For Harry Rankin’s funeral in 2002, Connie hired a choir to sing the communist Internationale. The Internationale was used as an anthem of the Bolshevik Party, Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union.
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