Posts Tagged ‘Paul Hellyer’
The Paul Hellyer UFO Kit
Join the Inter-Planetary Development Partnership (It's just a coupla notches up from NAFTA and the SPP)
With technology borrowed from Roswell, and smuggled to you by covert agents of C-sAP inside "Area 51," you, too, can join the Inter-Planetary Development Partnership. Bring Visitors from other worlds and Humans into ever-closer socialist galactic comradeship!
A Speech by Paul Hellyer,Founder of theCanadian Soviet Action Party
Paul Hellyer, Former Acting Prime Minister of Canada, Read more [...]
Welcome to C-sAP
Truth is stranger than fiction, and sometimes more entertaining. The truth behind the "Canadian Action Party" -- the subject of the spoof web site you are now visiting -- is so bizarre that there really is no way to spoof it, except to tell the truth.
Therefore, not much inspiration is required to make fun of the "Canadian Soviet Action Party". All we have to do is tell it like it is. Read more [...]
The Canadians are getting ready
for the aliens. Are you?
Recently, a former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister named Paul Hellyer made a controversial speech about the need to develop a coherent policy for interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations. A long-time opponent of the weaponization of space, Hellyer has recently become more outlandish in his stance. Read more [...]