The Harry Rankin “Internationale“
Free to the first 32,000,000
new C-sAP members:
The Harry Rankin “Internationale” (Memorial Anthem, Free Download) with an à-capella in high “C” by the late Comrade Jack Tsetung, channeled for the occasion.
The Real Rankin Obit
DOWNLOAD the full Harry Rankin obituary in black & white.
“Only Harry Rankin could get a crowd of more than 1,000 people — including a former B.C. Supreme Court chief justice, some of Vancouver’s top trial lawyers, labour leaders, octogenarian ex-Seaforth Highlanders, Communists and ex-Communists, poverty and peace activists — to stand for a rousing version of the Internationale.
Comrade Connie hired a Choir
for the Funeral:
“The great socialist anthem was sung by a choir at a memorial service Sunday for Rankin, the veteran lawyer who served as a city councillor for 24 years, and passed away Feb. 26 at age 81. Rankin died of cardiac arrest while recovering from quintuple heart bypass surgery.”
And they were not hired to sing, “O Canada!” These are COMMUNISTS at the Canadian Action Party.
Communists Fogal and Rankin had Controversial Links with NDP Leader Jack Layton
Not only are Connie Fogal and Harry Rankin known Communists, but their close affiliation with Jack Layton, former leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP), was controversial.
Layton was a supporter of The Coalition of Progressive Electors (COPE), the Communist municipal party founded by Harry Rankin, and run by Rankin with his wife Connie.
Hellyer, the founder of the Canadian Action Party, resigned as CAP leader in 2003 after the New Democratic Party (NDP) while Jack Layton still was leader, refused a merger proposal because it would have had to change its party name.
However, the NDP is a full member of the Socialist International, founded by Engels and xxxx, in xxxx. The mandate of the SI and therefore of all its members, including the NDP, is a socialist world government and “industrial democracy”, the form of Communism innovated in the now former Yugoslavia. “Industrial democracy” is better known as “workers’ control” or “workers’ self-management”, or innocuously, merely as “participation”. Moreover, “industrial democracy” is also the platform of the Parti Québécois, which is not a separatist party, it’s a communist party, set up by René Lévesque in 1967-68 on orders from the federal Pearson cabinet and Power Corporation of Canada.
It can be no accident that Communist Fogal, with her links to Communist Jack Layton, was recruited to lead Hellyer’s Canadian Soviet Action Party, which had no hesitation in pursuing a merger with the communist NDP. Hellyer’s CAP has always been working for North American Union by deception, and for world government out of Israel. The signs are all clear from the scam exposed by Terry LeBlanc, a CAP insider, in his password-protected web site “EYE ON CAP” of the CAP era.
In 2004, well known Communist, Connie Fogal-Rankin, recruited into the CAP by Hellyer, was acclaimed party leader after Red Tory David Orchard failed to respond to an invitation to take over the leadership.
The clipping above is “B.C. Citizens FOR Canadian Unity”, from The Ottawa Citizen. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Sat, Jan 27, 1996 · Page 18.
Orchard and Quebec City communist lawyer, Guy Bertrand, were hosted by Connie and Harry in 1996 for a post-Quebec-referendum tour of the Vancouver Lower Mainland. The scam of the tour involved pretending to “oppose” “Free Trade”, in fact a facade for North American Union.
Orchard has always pretended to “oppose” and “fight” what Connie (like Jack Layton before her) calls the “deep integration” of Canada into the USA and Mexico. Real meaning: the annexation of Canada into a regional union on the European Union model. But, this can’t be done without first dismantling Canada, and the USA, because obviously, a constitutional republic cannot be merged with a constitutional monarchy.
That’s where the communist Parti Quebecois comes in, the party of Guy Bertrand, its long-time strategist. The goal of the PQ is to dissolve the Constitution of Canada by dismantling in a mass secession of the provinces and territories, thus removing that obstacle.
Whereas Hellyer’s CAP is targeting the final continental merger by pretending it’s merely a political option, when in fact it’s unconstitutional and illegal. The fake “political” fight led by Hellyer, Connie, and temporarily by the clueless Moulden, is therefore calculated to buy time to get the North American merger done.
Fogal stepped down in 2008 after the federal elections that year. She was succeeded by Dr. Andrew J. Moulden, who finally tossed in the towel and joined the Christian Heritage party after willingly participating in the world-government and regional union scam of the Canadian Action Party.