Posts Tagged ‘world government’
Alex Jones Wants You to Join the Canadian Soviet Action Party
Alex Jones himself has been outed as being secretly a member of a globalist religion seeking world government. But not the Urantia religion.
Jones: “And, just to let you know who Connie Fogal is. She's a great lady. As a former leader of the Canadian (Soviet) Action Party, a lawyer and former teacher, Fogal lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, where her late husband, Harry Rankin,1 was a long-time progressive city councillor. She's an anti-globalization activist2, Read more [...]
Statement by retired U.S. Air Force Lt.-Col Don Ware
The President of the Canadian Action Party, Paul Kemp, maintains countless, very detailed, very off-the-wall "Urantia" web sites depicting a synthetic interstellar religion involving humans and aliens from hundreds of other worlds. Here is just one of Kemp's web sites: "Other Worlds of Space". If you click the last orange rectangle at the bottom in the left-hand menu, labelled "Lt. Col Don Ware", you should find a statement by this former U.S. Air Force officer, including the following "beliefs" and assertions: Read more [...]
The Paul Kemp World Government Kit
This kit consists of a do-it-yourself synthetic world religion "channeled" by Wilford Kellogg, a member of Skull & Bones family between 1912-1952. The one-world trade, economic and market agenda of the Urantia "religion" is to come about on the same basis as the one-world government predicted by Project for A New American Century (PNAC), for whom the right catastrophe — "a new Pearl Harbor", will trigger global union* in the name of Jesus, and the Popes at Bilderberg who are to be Chaplains Read more [...]