Author Archive
“The Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s Flying Saucers”: Season’s Greetings from Paul Hellyer … and the Skull & Bones?
Paul Hellyer to a stunned RT journalist, Sophie Shevardnadze: “I don’t know if you’re a person who’s ever read the Bible or not, but I think the Star of Bethlehem was one of God’s flying saucers.” Read more [...]
Alex Jones Wants You to Join the Canadian Soviet Action Party
Alex Jones himself has been outed as being secretly a member of a globalist religion seeking world government. But not the Urantia religion.
Jones: “And, just to let you know who Connie Fogal is. She's a great lady. As a former leader of the Canadian (Soviet) Action Party, a lawyer and former teacher, Fogal lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, where her late husband, Harry Rankin,1 was a long-time progressive city councillor. She's an anti-globalization activist2, Read more [...]
Statement by retired U.S. Air Force Lt.-Col Don Ware
The President of the Canadian Action Party, Paul Kemp, maintains countless, very detailed, very off-the-wall "Urantia" web sites depicting a synthetic interstellar religion involving humans and aliens from hundreds of other worlds. Here is just one of Kemp's web sites: "Other Worlds of Space". If you click the last orange rectangle at the bottom in the left-hand menu, labelled "Lt. Col Don Ware", you should find a statement by this former U.S. Air Force officer, including the following "beliefs" and assertions: Read more [...]
Lester Pearson Spy Kit
Free to the first 32 million C-sAP members. Complete instructions on how to infiltrate and betray your sovereign country to the Party. A limited number have been autographed by the lovely Elizabeth Bentley, GRU (Russian Intelligence).
Includes a free pass to the National Film Board's "Hazen Size Memorial" viewing of "Citizen Connie".
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The Paul Hellyer UFO Kit
Join the Inter-Planetary Development Partnership (It's just a coupla notches up from NAFTA and the SPP)
With technology borrowed from Roswell, and smuggled to you by covert agents of C-sAP inside "Area 51," you, too, can join the Inter-Planetary Development Partnership. Bring Visitors from other worlds and Humans into ever-closer socialist galactic comradeship!
A Speech by Paul Hellyer,Founder of theCanadian Soviet Action Party
Paul Hellyer, Former Acting Prime Minister of Canada, Read more [...]
The Harry Rankin “Internationale“
Free to the first 32,000,000new C-sAP members:
The Harry Rankin "Internationale" (Memorial Anthem, Free Download) with an à-capella in high "C" by the late Comrade Jack Tsetung, channeled for the occasion.
Audio Control
The Real Rankin Obit
DOWNLOAD the full Harry Rankin obituary in black & white.
"Only Harry Rankin could get a crowd of more than 1,000 people -- including a former B.C. Supreme Court chief justice, some of Vancouver's top trial lawyers, labour leaders, Read more [...]
The Paul Kemp World Government Kit
This kit consists of a do-it-yourself synthetic world religion "channeled" by Wilford Kellogg, a member of Skull & Bones family between 1912-1952. The one-world trade, economic and market agenda of the Urantia "religion" is to come about on the same basis as the one-world government predicted by Project for A New American Century (PNAC), for whom the right catastrophe — "a new Pearl Harbor", will trigger global union* in the name of Jesus, and the Popes at Bilderberg who are to be Chaplains Read more [...]
Welcome to C-sAP
Truth is stranger than fiction, and sometimes more entertaining. The truth behind the "Canadian Action Party" -- the subject of the spoof web site you are now visiting -- is so bizarre that there really is no way to spoof it, except to tell the truth.
Therefore, not much inspiration is required to make fun of the "Canadian Soviet Action Party". All we have to do is tell it like it is. Read more [...]
The Canadians are getting ready
for the aliens. Are you?
Recently, a former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister named Paul Hellyer made a controversial speech about the need to develop a coherent policy for interacting with extraterrestrial civilizations. A long-time opponent of the weaponization of space, Hellyer has recently become more outlandish in his stance. Read more [...]